Sharing Solutions for Food Sharing Initiatives


Our unique toolkit supports the mapping, tracking, optimisation and communication of sustainability impacts. Complete a sustainability impact assessment in the Toolshed. Showcase impacts and check out the impacts of others in the Talent Garden. Connect with others in the Greenhouse. Click on the service buttons below to go directly to the tools or find out more about our consultancy services.

The Tools

  1. The Toolshed contains a comprehensive suite of easy to understand questions designed to capture your sustainability impacts. Enter qualitative and quantitative data on your impacts and generate full and summary impact reports.
  2. The Talent Garden provides a virtual space to showcase the impacts you create by uploading images, videos, stories and cartoons that are not captured in the Toolshed.
  3. The Greenhouse provides a virtual networking hub where experiences and expertise can be shared with others.


SHARING SOLUTIONS helps you to understand, document and communicate the sustainability impacts you create. With easy to understand graphics and summary charts your SHARING SOLUTIONS reports will demonstrate your sustainability impacts within and beyond your organisation. Use your SHARING SOLUTIONS reports to grow your impacts, inform your strategic planning and strengthen funding applications.

Client feedback

“We’re delighted to be able to share an Impact Report on Robert Emmet CDPs 2020 / 2021 ‘Community Food Programme’ …. it records the scale of the social issues we respond to and measures our performance in responding to the same. This data can then be used to indicate wider societal patterns and inform data based lobbying for appropriate policy at government level as well as ensuring the suitability and impact of our own programming.”

Austin Campbell, CEO of Robert Emmet CDP

“I have used the SHARING SOLUTIONS online platform and found it very useful and comprehensive, especially the diverse and comprehensive range of impact indicators SHARING SOLUTIONS includes. The big tick mark for us is the linking of the SDG’s as this is integral for the funding proposals we submit. Qualitative inputs are difficult for our personnel to report i.e. data with feedback on testimonials, stories etc. and SHARING SOLUTIONSs indicators directly address that need.”

Kirstee Macadoo, Head of Education, Airfield Urban Farm

“Trinity Hall has used the SHARING SOLUTIONS toolkit to capture the sustainability impacts of our community garden for students and staff. At Trinity, we recognise the opportunity of enhanced sustainability reporting that can capture the social, environmental and economic value of collegial community activities such as our community garden. We found SHARING SOLUTIONS successfully demonstrates a measurable impact and, in our view, represents an exciting opportunity for enhanced strategic planning and communication around our community garden project. The SHARING SOLUTIONS toolkit produced reports that were easy to understand and supported our internal communication and planning to maximise the future beneficial impacts we can achieve.”

Dr. Roja Fazaeli, Warden of Trinity Hall

The Toolshed

The Toolshed

Conduct a sustainability impact assessment

The Talent Garden

The Talent Garden

Showcasing sustainability impacts from food sharing

The Greenhouse

The Greenhouse

Connect with others to share experiences, knowledge and skills

Consultancy Services

Consultancy Services

Providing sustainability solutions for food sharing initiatives, local authorities and food retailers